No.113 Branding With Joie Gharrity

Monday, June 16, 2014

When You Shine A Spotlight On Others You Shine A Spotlight On Yourself

I am a big fan of spotlighting people’s brands, services and products across my business channels. It is a way of me honoring others and spreading their brand message.

This is a form of networking that I was taught early on in my career in the Hollywood Entertainment business. In order to drive people into the theater or drive eyeballs to the small screen we would spread the word about the project by highlighted the individual players that took part in making the project. Whether it was the director, producer, writer, actors we would leverage the entire team to attract more attention to the BIG PICTURE.

Today I have taken that same approach and I have applied it to my client base, alliance partners, friends and family. I enjoy turning up the spotlight on others it makes me feel good and it is another way I can be “of service.”

I encourage you to do the same. Who can you be shining a spotlight on today? It is a great way to honor and share the love. By turning up the spotlight on others you are also turning up the spotlight on yourself. People support others who support them. Please note that the enclosed only works if you are leading with your heart and from a place of integrity.

"I am committed to helping women entrepreneurs around the world leverage their unique brand in life and business to gain clarity and impact, to grow community and influence, to gain recognition and VISIBILITY for them and their brand."


Leveraging your unique brand in life and business
Joie Gharrity

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