No.113 Branding With Joie Gharrity

Monday, November 24, 2014

No.113 VISIBILITY Spotlight: Building A Strong Network Is Essential

It is important to build a strong network of like minded people that are going to have your back and support you and your company brand. Building a strong network is essential to grow your brand VISIBILITY in the marketplace.

In order for a network to really work there needs to be an equal exchange of energy, trust and respect between the members. If you are always asking "What can you do for me?" or "I did this for you so now what are you going to do for me?" you might find yourself outside of the network circle fast.

Super connectors ask "What can we do for each other?" "How can we both be of service to one another and our company brands?" Super connector and founder of Sweet Nexus Michele Jennae and I discussed this and much more on her SWEETpeas PODcast Coco Chanel and Branding with Joie Gharrity

Networking is so much more then just attending networking events instead it is all about creating deeper personal and business relationships.

The founder of Sweet Nexus is all about creating relationships first and she shares her unique-point-of-view on networking, “Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities.” 

Michele encourages women entrepreneurs to always be working on their networking techniques and skills. She shares three networking tips that you can incorporate quickly and easily:

1. Connect. Making a commitment to community means making genuine connections. Say hello, ask questions, find out where you can serve each person you meet.

2. Contribute. The best way to contribute is to be a conduit of value. Share ideas, opportunities and introductions to others with your community.

3. Collaborate. Working together strengthens bonds and increases value exponentially when the collaboration is working toward a common goal.
Learn more about Sweet Nexus and Michele Jennae

Always be building your network there is power in numbers and as long as the members are being "of service" and supporting each other authentically you can move mountains together and your company brand VISIBILITY will grow.

"I am committed to helping women entrepreneurs around the world leverage their unique brand in life and business to gain clarity and impact, to grow community and influence, to gain recognition and VISIBILITY for them and their brand."


It's all about VISIBILITY first
Joie Gharrity

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